And when you think life couldn’t get busier, you get a pile of homework. Not only that, you also have to select the topic and viewpoint for your homework. Want more autonomy now, do you?
So, you asked for freedom and autonomy and you have gotten it now. Take the liberty and think about how to approach your new cause-and-effect essay writing assignment. And that’s not all, also think up the topic on which you would write the essay. Yes, your boring school days are over now and your teacher wants you to envision your homework assignment and take more chores off their plates.
Whether you are thrilled about the opportunity or you are worried about an added task to your schedule, it’s your job to fulfill. So, man up and start working. Here is the ultimate process for writing a cause-and-effect essay from scratch.
Understanding Cause and Effect Essays
As the name suggests, cause and effect essays analyze the connection between two events and look at how one event or cause affects or triggers the other event, which is effect. Defining cause and effect is one part of the whole essay, but it doesn’t complete the essay. Instead, a quality cause-and-effect essay looks at the reasons that connect these two events.
Now that you know the purpose of the assignment, look at the bigger picture. Why are you given the assignment? It can be a language assignment, prompting you to learn to present cause and effect relations. In this case, the teacher may give you the freedom to choose your topic. If you are tasked with topic selection, choose a subject that is relevant to your career or that attracts your deepest interests.
It could also be for more technical subjects. For example, you can receive this assignment for your psychology, biology, or chemistry subject. In the latter case, you will get the topic to start your essay.
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Cause and effect essays focus on answering three types of questions: what, why, and how. The first step of writing requires you to demonstrate your understanding of the two events and the fact that they are connected.
The second step is broader and requires you to write more about the relationship between the two events. Here, you will focus on answering how the cause is resulting in the effect and why the effect can have different intensities or magnitudes in response to those of the cause. At the same time, you may also clarify some variations of effects by telling what circumstances lead to these variations.
Jot Down Your Views
Note-taking is an essential part of every academic and learning activity, but for the research activity, its importance multiplies. Feel free to add notes of your conclusions and opinions as you proceed through the research phase.
At this stage, don’t get caught up in making a pattern or keeping your thoughts organized. You only want to get them on paper to allow better information processing. Use this information to develop a strong and concise thesis statement.
You will also like to keep track of all the information sources you are using. A good method to do so is to take photos or screenshots of the information you are consuming together with the details of the books, articles, or papers you study. This painstaking task will help you when you reach the citation phase of essay writing.
Develop a Thesis Statement
You will like to explore all connections and dependencies between these two events before writing down your thesis statement to ensure that the statement aligns with your stance and is clear and concise. Stick to defining the causal relationship between one cause and one effect. This will allow you to stay focused on one topic, making the essay easy to follow and understand.
Even if you haven’t included other causes and effects in the thesis statement, you are allowed to mention them briefly in the essay.
Organize and Write
Proper research, note-taking, and thesis statement make up half of the work of your cause-and-effect essay. The next steps are easy but time-consuming. If you are writing this essay for your English exam, you should tackle it yourself from start to finish even if you are time-pressed. You can make an exception and pay someone to write your essay if this essay comes under technical subjects because you have already worked on the most important task of research and analysis in previous stages.
This step requires you to organize the thoughts you wrote down previously. Once you have developed an outline for these thoughts, the next step is to write the thoughts and facts. Keep in mind that these facts should answer the what, why, and how questions explained earlier in the blog post. These questions are meant to keep the writing relevant to the topic, preventing rambling.
Quality Essay Writing
The primary concern at this stage of the causal essay writing process is to maintain the legibility and flow of the essay. You can ensure that by using writing best practices that work for every kind of essay.
For starters, you will need to dedicate one paragraph to introducing and explaining one concept. Don’t jumble up different concepts in one paragraph.
Secondly, you will need to use transitional phrases more often in this type of essay. These words and phrases emphasize relationships between the two events and give a structure to your work.
Hire Essay Editing Services
If you often fail to pick up the mistakes you have made in an essay or assignment and don’t want the same scenario to repeat in this assignment, you will love the services of an essay editing service. Most essay writers claim that they have improved their writing skills after getting feedback in the form of corrections from editors.
Wrapping Up
Causal essays are built differently and require special attention and care from the writers. Many writers get stumped because of the difficulty built within the structure of these essays. Luckily, you don’t have to hide from writing these essays if you know how to approach these essays for the best scores.