
Essay Writing

Essay Writing 101 – Ways to Score a Perfect Grade

Essay writing is boring, but the grades they bring can boost your scholarship or placement chances. So, you must master the technique even if you aren’t most comfortable with your writing skills or feel that you need to put in a lot of effort to bring passing grades

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Here are a few tips that will keep you on track to writing a reasonably good essay without requiring lots of time or energy from you.

Be Regular

Quality essay writing doesn’t start with doing intensive research on the topic or planning a perfect outline. It starts way before the need for these tasks arises. It starts when the lecturer introduces the skill on which this essay will be written.

So, if your lecturer introduced the skill in the second lecture of the second week of your semester and you happened to have missed it because college got boring after the first week, you have missed a great opportunity to excel in your essay.

In short, be regular in your lectures so you can pick up all the primary and secondary skills that will be tested by the essay. Besides, ensure that you listen to the lecture actively.

Pay Attention to Rubrics

It’s common sense to check the assignment requirement for the assigned essay, but your professors require you to do more than that. Rubric guidelines are an essential document that professors prepare for the students to study for effective preparation and presentation of the essays. This document gives information about the scope of the essay, its types, and the concepts being assessed through it.

In this document, you will see how the professor will mark different skills. So, if in an essay, the professor plans to emphasize students’ research skills, he or she will give a lot more marks to the introduction, literature review, citation, and visual data formats.

No one likes to write unending essays with information scattered over multiple topics. At the same time, readers also don’t enjoy reading such essays. However, it’s easy for students to miss the primary requirements of an assignment and lose themselves in unnecessary nitty-gritty. Rubrics allow the students to remain on track by telling them what is expected from them on a particular assignment.


The knowledge of concepts required to complete your essay should give you enough foundation to start the research process. You will need to note down the facts you gather from these readings. One way to take these notes is to write down these facts in your notebook. However, using technology will speed up the process for you.

You can use snips, screenshots, and images of the data you gather during the research phase. Properly mark these images so you know the sources from which you have taken them. Collect them in a folder on the device you use for studying. The same goes for the primary research you conduct for your essay.


Plan an Outline

Once you have gathered enough information, it’s time to start writing. But you need to ensure that your writing has proper structure and flow. An outline ensures this structure.

Preparing an outline is the first step of the actual writing process for many and many appear intimidating. If you are the one who feels intimidated by this step, you can seek essay writing help from a fellow student or an expert. They can analyze the information you have gathered so far and will give you an idea about which information should appear first.

As a rule of thumb, every essay starts with an introductory paragraph or section followed by the body that uses multiple paragraphs to present different facts. In the end, writers must present the conclusion of the whole essay. Citations for the essay appear at its bottom with in-text citations appearing where their information is presented.

Don’t forget to list down all the information you want included in the essay. This way, you wouldn’t have to spend time thinking about the next point you want to share.


That’s it. Write an essay. You need to eat that frog now. This is the step where you can hire the help of a professional writer if you cannot commit the time required for this assignment. But before you type the search query write my essay for me in the search bar, you should be ready with all the information and outlines needed for the assignment.

If you insist on writing the essay yourself, you may worry about the quality of the final draft. This worry is especially troublesome for those students who aren’t very confident about their writing skills. Luckily, you don’t have to be the best writer to write college essays for you. Mistakes are acceptable at the academic level and beyond.

Still, you would need to present the best work you can muster. If writing is your weak point, you can still present a professional essay by hiring professional essay editing services. This way, you will earn the confidence of writing your essay without risking a failure.

Edit and Proofread

Writing is only one part of the whole process of presenting your thoughts. If you want to earn good grades, your essay should be in a proper structure and meet high standards of comprehension and legibility.

Editing and proofreading are necessary steps that allow you to detect and eliminate errors in your writing. It’s easy to edit your document. Simply read it after completing the draft, spot spelling, grammatical, or syntax mistakes, and correct them as you proceed. However, there are a few ways methods to enhance this process such as letting your essay sit for a while after completion before checking it for errors.

Again, you don’t have to rely entirely on your English skills to complete this task. Instead, you can hire an online essay proofreader to do the task for you.

Wrap Up

Are you yearning for perfect grades on your essay? A perfect grade isn’t too difficult or out of reach for those students who know what they are doing. This post walks you through the whole process of writing a winning essay for your college assignments.