
Essay Writing Help

Essay Writing Help – Difference Between Essays and Reports

During your college life, you will receive many assignments related to your courses. Essays make up the biggest portion of these assignments for some courses; reports are the second most common assignment type in most colleges.

Table of Contents

It’s natural for you to seek essay help uk when you encounter a variation in your assignment structure. If you do, make sure you let your help know the type of assignment you have instead of using the word ‘essay’.

Essays are quite different from reports. While essay writing help you demonstrate your understanding of a concept in the academic world, reports have more job-oriented purposes. Most reports require you to document and present the information you have collected from an experiment, a project, or a task. Usually, report assignments accompany projects, experiments, or case studies.

This blog post will educate you about the differences and similarities between reports and essays.

Assignment Question

Most report assignments use the word report as a question verb to indicate the writing style of the assignment. However, if your instructor wants you to decide the assignment format without using the defining word, you can still do that by looking at the presentation of your assignment.

Look at the assignment and see if it requires you to conduct a study or analysis. Numerical cases that lead to derivations and conclusions are perfect cases for report writing. Or if you have an assignment requiring real-world studies and the assignment question requires you to document the method and findings, you are dealing with a report writing assignment.


Now that you know if you are dealing with an essay assignment or a report, let’s understand the purpose behind these two types of tasks. Essay assignments are used to collect data and information about a particular subject or concept. Most likely, these concepts are for understanding purposes and build basic skills but don’t handle or solve real-life issues directly.

On the contrary, reports deal with real-world problems. When you do it in your academic career, you only build your critical analysis, data gathering, and presentation skills. However, in the corporate world, these reports create a direct impact and facilitate short-term and long-term decisions.


When you get essay writing help, you often get essays that don’t contain headings and subheadings. While headings aren’t prohibited in essays, many scholars frown upon their usage. If you are working on an essay assignment, find out your lecturer’s preference. Only use the headings if your lecturer is okay with their use.

Apart from an absence of headings in the text, essay writing help usually doesn’t follow a set pattern. You only have to ensure that the paragraphs in an essay are logically connected and the reader can understand the whole argument without going back to the previous paragraphs to understand subsequent passages.

Reports are different. You need to stick to a set format for most reports. The introduction and conclusion are necessary elements in both essays and reports, but reports also include sections for methodology and findings. Some reports also require a table of contents, abstract, and appendices for completion.

Visual Data

Essays are mostly written in plain text with minimal visual engagement. While many essays nowadays come with headings, these remain the most visually appealing part of the whole essay. Other than the heading, readers see a monochromatic presentation in essays.

Reports are different. They are meant to engage the readers by making information consumption easier for them. When you write a report, you must use simple words that are easy to understand and present information in a format that makes sense.

Graphs and charts are a few examples of how you can include lots of information within your reports without exceeding the defined word limit. at this point, you must ensure to only use these visual presentations when they make the document easier. You wouldn’t want to overuse these charts, images, and graphics or it will decrease the impact and credibility of your report.


Essays require you to use an academic tone and style. The same holds for reports. Are you one of those students who scurry to their UK essay writing service because they cannot see themselves using thick academic language? If so, you will face the same problem when you sit down to write a report for your assignment.

However, every cloud has a silver lining. Once you have mastered report writing till the end of your academic career, you can say goodbye to this tone.  The corporate world doesn’t need heavy academic jargon. You will be better off making your report as simple as possible. You cannot use formal or fun language. Only remain professional and directly present your facts in a prescribed template.

Desired Outcome

We have discussed earlier that the primary purpose of a report is to present relevant and crucial facts to facilitate decision-making. The writer should keep this purpose in mind while writing the report. That said, the report shouldn’t be too difficult for the audience nor should it skip the information that is necessary for the decision making.

Essay writing is different. They are usually written for scholarly purposes. The readers are mostly intellectuals who want to broaden their knowledge using these literary pieces. As a consequence, the writer has the liberty to use jargon and technical terminology.

Another difference that these two types of assignments present is the inclusion of recommendations and suggestions. Essays are only analytical tools created to share the viewpoint and insights of the writer. Essay readers will not have to decide based on this information; as a result, recommendations and suggestions are not needed here.

On the other hand, reports are supposed to give recommendations to facilitate decision-making. These recommendations usually appear just before the concluding section of the report.

Wrapping Up

Reports and essays are two quite different types of academic assignments you will get to complete in your college and university life. So, when you hire uk essay writers you must inform them that you want help with a report to avoid confusion. More than that, you need to supply lots of information that you have collected from your real-world project. That’s because reports, unlike essays, are based on actual scenarios, tasks, projects, and events.

This blog post gives details about the differences between essay and report writing. If you are willing to learn report writing for your job readiness, start from this account.